Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Professional Ethics-Free-Samples for Studentsâ€Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Professional Ethics. Answer: As the security administrator of his organization, Joseph has been directed by his manager to report him regarding the web pages accessed by the employees of the organization during the office hours. However, Joseph himself is well aware of the fact that none of the employees working in the company have signed any agreement at the time of appointment that they are being prohibited from accessing different web pages, and that a report would be made on them, reporting their daily online activities. As far as the IT companies are concerned, the employers do have a well-established right of monitoring and tracking Web surfing, emailing and other activities by employees using company computers. Although protecting the company from the theft or misrepresentation of data is highly important, the act of making reports on employee online activities can also be accused of encroaching on the privacy rights of the employees (Hoke 2015). Hence, considering the ethical dilemma Joseph is currently encountered with, he will first need to assess the underlying moral problem of the situation, comprehend the reason behind the conflict between the two parties, and thereby ultimately evaluate the extent to which the managerial decision of monitoring employee online activities can be considered ethical. Joseph will have to read and critically analyse the theories of business ethics, study similar cases, to develop knowledge regarding what other companies do, and he can even take the decision by reflection over the issue on his own. However, it would be wrong to make a decision guided totally by his knowledge and intuition. Hence, it is advisable that he seeks the help of the Ethical Executive of the organization, if any, or a lawyer to understand what can tan the company encroach he company do in such a situation, and to what extent can the company encroach on the privacy rights of the employees. This will help Joseph in gaining an insight into the corporate ethics and the professio nally accepted standards of behaviour, values and guidelines that in turn will help him understand the extent to which the managerial decisions are ethically correct. This will also help Joseph understand the legal obligations of the company, and comprehend to what extent can the company implement the managerial decision in real-life scenario. It should be noted that regardless of what decision Joseph takes at the end, he must feel good about the decision, and that is he should not be sceptical or unconfident regarding the final decision to be implemented in the organization (Schmidt et al.2016). Joseph must be able to take up and implement a decision, that will not only help him take care of the concerns of the employer, but also look after the rights of the employees. The ACS code has a set of six ethical values that the professionals working in any organization needs to abide by. In case any of the six codes is being violated, the company can be accused of professional negligence . The codes are as follows: Primacy of public interest The enhancement of quality of life Honesty . Competence Professional development Professionalism In case of any form of conflict between the ,managerial decision and employee interest, the public interest should be given priority. For example in web designing consultancy the report was to be done on the employees performance and but there was issue of privacy in the company which was in the concern of the library and information professionals, especially in the US since passing the Patriot act in this the codes are stated below in table Codes of ethics Standards of conduction Priorities I must secure the information of others and it confidentiality Social implication I must consider and respect other peoples privacy Reference List: Dau-Schmidt, K.G., Finkin, M. and Covington, R., 2016.Legal protection for the individual employee. West Academic. Hoke, T., 2015. A Question of Ethics: The Ethics of Severing Ties with an Employer.Civil Engineering Magazine Archive,85(1), pp.40-41

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