Sunday, December 29, 2019

Marketing Research For Augustine Medical Essay - 2527 Words

Marketing Research For Augustine Medical This report references exhibits and appendices not included within the document Executive summary By early 1988, Augustine Medical executives were actively engaged in finalizing and marketing the program for the patient warming system named Bair Hugger Patient Warming System. The principal question yet to be resolved was how to price this system. Several considerations are required in terms of organizational objectives, demand for the product, customer value perception, buyer price sensitivity, the price of competitive offering, and direct variable costs. The company has two alternatives to price this system, either the skimming pricing strategy or the penetration pricing strategy. The†¦show more content†¦The Bair Hugger system, which consist of a heater/blower unit and a separate inflatable plastic/paper blanket, is an air-circulation product and provides hypothermia patients surface warming. The warming time per patient is about two hours. The plastic cover was patented in 1986; there is no patent protection for the heater/blower unit. The central issue at this time was the determination of the list price to hospitals for the heater/blower unit and the plastic blanket. The price set for the Bair Hugger Patient Warming System would influence the rate at which prospective buyers would purchase the system since the market was price-sensitive to alternative methods. Also, price and volume together would influence the cash flow position of the company. Before the company prices this system, several considerations are required in terms of organizational objectives, demand for the product, customer value perception and buyer price sensitivity, the price of competitive offering, and direct variable costs. The estimate of total potential market for heater/blower unit is 2737 units and 2737000 units for blankets (see exhibit 1). The direct cost of the heater/blower unit would be $380 and $0.85 per blanket. The initial investment, $500,000, for this system would cover the fixed cost of the company during first year of operation. Based on this basic information and other considerations, the company has to determine its pricing strategy for bothShow MoreRelatedAugustine Medical Case Study1763 Words   |  8 Pagesheater/blower unit and disposable warming covers. The ultimate problem facing Augustine Medical, Inc. is how to price theses two components of the product and how to position it compared to its competitors. There are many substitutes available for hospitals to treat and prevent hypothermia. However, there are many disadvantages to the variety of other devices which virtually treat the same condition. Augustine Medical believes that their product is superior to their competitorsâ €™ products. S.WRead More Augustine Medical, Inc. Essay1891 Words   |  8 PagesAugustine Medical, Inc. Introduction ( Background and Situation) Augustine Medical, Inc. was founded by Dr. Scott Augustine, an anesthesiologist from Minnesota, in 1987. The company was created to develop and market products for hospital operating rooms and postoperative recovery rooms. The company provides innovative solutions to combat postoperative conditions such as hypothermia. Medical research indicates that 60 to 80 percent of all postoperative recovery room patients are clinicallyRead MoreAugustine Medical, Inc.1961 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction ( Background and Situation) Augustine Medical, Inc. was founded by Dr. Scott Augustine, an anesthesiologist from Minnesota, in 1987. The company was created to develop and market products for hospital operating rooms and postoperative recovery rooms. The company provides innovative solutions to combat postoperative conditions such as hypothermia. Medical research indicates that 60 to 80 percent of all postoperative recovery room patients are clinically hypothermic. Hypothermia isRead MoreAugustines Medical Case Analysis Essay1761 Words   |  8 PagesAUGUSTINE MEDICAL, INC. CASE ANALYSIS THE BAIR HUGGER PATIENT WARMING SYSTEM I. Factual Summary: * The United States does not currently have an established warm-air technology blanket market. * The Bair Hugger Patient Warming System product is not a consumer device. The main users of this product consist of businesses and hospitals. * Hospitals will always be provided funding necessary to prevent hypothermia and other diseases; as a result a demand will consistently be commonRead MoreAugustine Medical Case2849 Words   |  12 PagesAUGUSTINE MEDICAL, INC. The Bair Hugger Patient Warming System Winston Rivero MK 4900 Prof. H. Barksdale October 16th, 2012 Industry Analysis: †¢ Many competitive technologies are available for the prevention and treatment of postoperative hypothermia. The fall into the two categories: o Surface Warming ââ€" ª Warmed hospital blankets ââ€" ª Water-circulating blankets ââ€" ª Air-circulating blankets and mattresses Read MoreRhetoric For A Short Video On Beautiful Or Average1691 Words   |  7 Pagesa decision to rate themselves on beautiful or average. Keywords: beautiful, average, feeling, perception, self-confidence, self-esteem Final Paper Beautiful or Average We are all affected by it, rhetoric in advertising. Today marketing groups around the world continue to use Aristotle’s artistic proof triangle of ethos, pathos and logos to establish creditability, play on emotions and announce facts. Whether or not we want to admit it and no matter how confident one is, the questionRead MoreMarketing Strategies5844 Words   |  24 PagesAssignment 5: Marketing Strategies MKT 500 September 8, 2013 1. Write an executive summary of your marketing plan. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Great Expectations the World of Laws, Crime and Punishment

centerbThe World of Laws, Crime and Punishment in Great Expectations/b/center brGreat Expectations criticises the Victorian judicial and penal system. Through the novel, Charles Dickens displays his point of view of criminality and punishment. This is shown in his portraits of all pieces of such system: the lawyer, the clerk, the judge, the prison authorities and the convicts. In treating the theme of the Victorian system of punishment, Dickens shows his position against prisons, transportation and death penalty. The main character, a little child who has expectations of becoming a gentleman to be of the same social position of the girls he loves, passes from having no interest on criminality and its penalties to be very†¦show more content†¦Regarding the colonialist question, the Victorians believed that the easiest and cheapest way of eliminating the criminal element from the British society was sending them as far as they could and never allowing them to return under threat of having them executed. Many prisoners were convicted because of little th efts such as stealing pocket-handkerchiefs, watches, and jewellery, and the forgery of banknotes. All these little offences, considered as serious crimes, represented a threat to the Victorian commerce. Dickens writes about transportation in the 1860s, when it ceased to be a system of punishment. Probably, Dickens wanted to show how unfair it was to eliminate criminality of the Victorian society by sentencing convicts to transportation as it were not a social problem. br brThe hulks, the name that received the ships that transported convicts to the penal colony Australia, were used as floating prisons. In the novel, Dickens offers the reader a portrait of the convicts when being transported to the hulks: br brAt that time it was customary to carry Convicts down to the dockyards by stage-coach (...) The two convicts were handcuffed together, and had irons on their legs-irons of a pattern that I knew well. They wore the dress that I likewise knew well. Their keeper had a brace ofShow MoreRelated Great Expectations: Gods Law Vs. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Patients With Cerebrovascular Disorders Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Stroke made alterations to the life or societal wellbeing of a individual. Defects may be physical, psychological and even emotional. It could take to failing or reduced strength for physical activities and palsy of one side of the organic structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Patients With Cerebrovascular Disorders Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Mental alterations include decreased in memory. Depression and alterations in personality could impact a patient who experienced shot. Compare and contrast a cerebrovascular accident with a transient ischaemia onslaught in footings of direction. CVA and TIA both affects the neurologic map, both are caused by life style and diet. They differ in the continuance which the CVA lasts for more than 24 hours while TIA merely lasts for 24 hours. When it comes to medical direction, they both use acetylsalicylic acid and other anticoagulant drugs. Management for CVA and TIA includes the demand of physical therapy after the shot for the betterment of mobility position of the patient. Promote an exercising plan to recover mobility. Promote self-care activities on the unaffected side and promote hygiene. Make certain to keep normal BP to forestall ischaemia. Reposition the patient at least every 2 hours to forestall tissue and tegument dislocation. Since they have job in get downing, they are advised to hold NGT to cut down hazard of aspiration. Management of increased ICP is besides of import to see. Carotid endarterectomy or the remotion of atherosclerotic plaque from the carotid arteria is one surgical direction to forestall CVA and T IA. Identify damage of self-care that may be seen in the post-stroke patient. Damage of self-care that may be seen in post-stroke patient includes stationariness, one-sided palsy, malformations of appendages and musculus failing. The patient can non execute any physical activities and demands aid to any motion. Eye sight is besides affected with reduced ocular perceptual experience and amorphosynthesis. The patient can merely visualise object on one side. Dysphagia consequences due to impaired map of URT. The patient can non eat good and needs NGT in feeding. Urinary incontinency is one job due to impaired motor response and loss of control of urinary sphincter and irregularity possibly a job besides. Psychological jobs like cognitive, behavioural and emotional shortage need support from the nurse. Address is besides affected ( aphasia ) . Post-stroke patients are prone to clamber ulcer because of the force per unit area or the clash on the tegument to organic structure parts. Discuss eligibility standards for t-PA disposal. Identify the type of stroke t-PA may be used for. To be eligible for t-PA disposal, patient should be at least 18 old ages of age or older with a diagnosing of ischaemic shot. The clip of oncoming of shot should be 3 hours or less, with no ictus and a blood force per unit area of ? 185/110 mmHg. The sort of shot should non be minor or quickly deciding shot. Patient should non take Coumadin ( Coumadin ) and should non have Lipo-Hepin during the past 48 hours with elevated partial thrombokinase clip. Laboratory consequences are considered – Prothrombin clip should be ? 15 seconds or INR ? 1.7 and Platelet count should be ? 100,000/mma ¶Y . Patient should hold no anterior intracranial bleeding, tumor, arteriovenous deformity or aneurism, no major surgical processs done within 14 yearss, no shot, serious caput hurt or intracranial hurt within 3 months, no GI or urinary hemorrhage within 21 yearss. T-PA is used for patients who are diagnosed with shot and bosom onslaught. Given a scenario, use the nursing procedure to develop a program of attention for a patient with a intellectual aneurism. A intellectual aneurism patient may see altered degree of consciousness. With this status, the nurse should be able to keep optimum province of consciousness with GCSE?13 mental watchfulness. The nurse should measure for marks of altered degree of consciousness and critical marks particularly respiratory position. Make certain to supply patient ‘s safety by maintaining the side rails up at all times, bed in low place and working call visible radiation within the range. Reorientate the patient to environment and avoid confusion/disorientation. Protect the patient from possible hurt like ictus activity, decreased corneal physiological reaction, decreased wink, and decreased joke physiological reaction. Maintain airway patency for hypoxia can do increased intellectual blood flow and intracranial force per unit area. Discuss the differences in clinical manifestations between a haemorrhagic shot and an ischaemic shot. The clinical manifestations of haemorrhagic shot include neurological shortage, terrible concern, tinnitus, giddiness and hemiparesis. Motor, sensory, cranial nervus, cognitive maps may besides be a job. Other manifestations include purging, alteration in degree of consciousness and ictus. Nuchal rigidness may be experienced. Besides, ocular perturbations like ocular loss, double vision and ptosis may happen. In ischaemic shot, the clinical manifestations are numbness ( paraesthesia ) , failing ( paresis ) , loss of motor ability on one side of the organic structure. Other manifestations include trouble in get downing ( dysphagia ) , aphasia, ocular troubles, loss of half of ocular field ( hemiapnosia ) , dual vision and photophobia. Besides include altered cognitive abilities, psychological affect and self-care shortage. Discuss the usage of thrombolytic therapy in the patient with an ischaemic shot. Include eligibility standards. Thrombolytic therapy is a intervention used for stroke patient. The most common drug is the tissue plasminogen activator ( t-PA ) . This helps dissolves the blood coagulum in ischaemic shot. It is normally administered through IV and should be given within 3 hours period after the first symptoms begin. Before giving this thrombolytic, medical history are provided every bit good as physical test and research lab test. This thrombolytic should non be given to patients with intracranial bleeding because it is unsafe and dangerous. Pay attending to BP, the medicine taken prior to giving thrombolytic ( Coumadin ) and the consequence of research lab particularly the thrombocyte count. There are besides some complications after administrating thrombolytic such as intracranial hemorrhage, which is really common. The patient should be monitored closely for any complications at the beginning of the process and right after the process was done. Discuss possible complications that may develop as a consequence of a haemorrhagic shot. Potential complications of haemorrhagic shot include intellectual hypoxia and decreased blood flow, vasospasm, increased intracranial force per unit area and high blood pressure. Lack of oxygenated blood in the encephalon may do intellectual hypoxia. Make certain to supply the necessary O and keeping haemoglobin and haematocrit within normal degree. Abnormal blood force per unit area consequences to alter in intellectual blood flow. Make certain to administrate IV fluids to cut down viscousness of blood which consequences to normal blood flow. Another complication which is caused by an increased inflow of the Ca into the cell is intellectual vasospasm. It can be monitored by the usage of transcranial Doppler echography ( TCD ) . Calcium channel blocker like nimodipine is a medicine intervention for patient with vasospasm. An increased in intracranial force per unit area normally occur after a shot. It is of import to supervise the hydration position of the patient when utilizing mann itol medicine to cut down ICP. Besides, blood force per unit area is besides of import to measure. Hypertension is monitored and should be prevented. Web Assignment Research an article refering to the place attention facet of a patient recovering from a shot. Sum up your findings. Family support is important to stroke recovery by Kathy Boncher Last February 2008, Steve had a shot. The whole household was at that place for him. They ne’er leave him and maintain on back uping until his recovery period. While he was holding his recovery at place, everything was changed. He can non make any longer what he used to make before he had his shot. He was really dependent on his married woman who takes attention of him for his mundane demands particularly when bathing, toileting, dressing, eating and even reassigning to his wheelchair. Because of his shot, he experienced failing on the whole portion of his left side of the organic structure and his arm was truly non working. This was truly dejecting on his portion as he used to be the 1 who do all the things around the house particularly in edifice, planing and keeping their house. He used to be a edifice contractor for 38 old ages and a doodly-squat of all trades. In short, he was a really adept individual. But, despite of his status, he continue to be strong and unrecorded i n a normal life as he used to be even though he can non work good at place even for himself. What keeps him strong was because of his household who was ever at that place and maintain on back uping him with his status. There he had his brothers assisting his married woman in all the man-work around the house. They even provided accessible country for disability and installed a wheelchair incline. He can even still travel out and pass clip to make ridicule stuff every afternoon with his other brother. So every bit serves as a free clip of his married woman from being his health professional 24/7. This means so much to him and was really grateful to hold these fantastic people beside him throughout his status. The household reassures that everybody will be all right and for him to be better and good. And, this gives him peace of head. This article merely showed us that the support of the household is really of import as a intervention in retrieving for shot patient. Some are fighting entirely for recovery without the aid of any household members. And that caused a hold in recovery of a shot patient. Family member does n’t hold to be biologically related. It could be the people around us, friends, church and societal web. Everyone could give support. And, most significantly, the shot patient should hold bravery and have strong religions within him that he will be recovered and be back to his normal life. How to cite Patients With Cerebrovascular Disorders Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples